Monday, 1 April 2013

w/c 25/03/2013

Just a short update this week.

Motivation partially returned upon the realisation that I wasn't getting as much sleep as I had been used to in previous time of heavy training. Action taken, earlier bedtimes. Result, my best training week (sessions hit wise) in nearly 7 weeks. Also helped by a redoubled and much more concerted effort to drop a couple more kilo's in preparation for the upcoming races. I suspect also very much helped by having had the Friday off for Easter!

So this weeks stats are as below:

Swim: 6,000 Metres
Bike: 96.5 Miles
Run: 22.3 Miles

Stats for March:

Swim: 16,000 Metres
Bike: 360 Miles
Run: 77.4 Miles

In comparison to stats for Feb:

Swim: 12,500 Metres
Bike: 275 Miles
Run: 62.1 Miles

I also spent the Friday getting the TT bike a little more IM friendly. As stock the chainrings are 54/42 and a big cog on the back of 23 teeth, so its safe to say not the best for climbing! I swapped out the small chainring on the front for a 39 tooth ring, and added a 12-28 on the back. So I'm much happier spinning up the climbs in the saddle now, which will also hopefully save the legs on some of the climbs.

Looking forward to another good week, and my first 10 mile TT next weekend.

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