Monday, 22 July 2013

w/c 15/07/13

Well, I've not been here for a while!

Things have picked up since my last blog post, the hamstring (touch wood) is all better now after a week and a bits break. This has really put my running back and am only now just getting back to where I was, but somewhat deeply concerning is the fact that a half marathon is the longest run I've managed this year, and or ever! I have managed two half's this year, one during outlaw half and one during training. So now being in the first week of a three week taper, this weekend is really the last chance to get a lengthy canter in. Will report back with findings!

After my last blog I took up a trip up to bolton for an organised training Saturday which involved a full length 3.8km open water swim followed by a couple of loops of the bike course. Something I had really wanted to experience prior to the actual race itself.  I drove the 180 odd miles on the Friday afternoon, then camped the evening before the training day, and camped again the night after the ride. Too tired to face driving 3 hours back down south after that! The weekend went really well, I managed the swim in 1:09 including an unscheduled piss-stop (I couldn't go when I was swimming along!), so that was a nice confidence builder.

 Camping, IM style

The bike leg of the day was somewhat tougher, but riding in a group of like-minded ironmen and ironmen to be was great fun, and a real breath of fresh air from training alone. The weather was decent, and we totaled just over 100 miles without feeling too bad.

My peak week was to follow this, which also went quite well, covering just over 160 miles on the bike, and swimming around 5k, however again the run volume was decidedly low at just over 12 miles covered :eek: Decided to cycle across the old Severn bridge as part of a century ride on the Saturday which was pretty cool.

This week started off well with a great run session (you know the one, where you feel just like a gazelle effortlessly hopping along. albeit at 8min/miles), and a good quick swim session. Decent bike on Wednesday but then Thursday and Friday took rest days as I was absolutely knackered having been doing some long work hours.

So its Saturday morning, and I'm waiting to get out on a longish ride today, although the wind seems to be picking up a little so not sure whether to get out on the tri bike with the deep sections or to take the road bike. Ideally i'm sure the miles are better spent on the tri bike!

EDIT: 22/07/13

Well I managed to get out on the TT bike for a windy 65 miles or so which was decent fun. Cycled up near Fairford and managed to peak a few of the aircraft at the air tattoo, including the Eurofighter which was cool to see.

On Sunday managed a half marathon in the heat. Felt decent overall but was suffering a bit with dehydration towards the end. Nice confidence builder. The race is just under two weeks away now. Very close. Excited, nervous and worried all at the same time now!

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